Traverse Bay Twilight

  • We’re inviting men and women willing to donate their time and talents to improving lives within our community and around the world. The first step is meeting your peers within our clubs who share your interests and who can advocate your membership. You are welcome to explore our clubs and contact us from our online forms and to stop by a weekly meeting to introduce yourself and meet with like-minded professionals.

  • Thursdays at 5:30 PM
    Park Place Hotel
    300 E State St
    Google Maps

  • Giving a Helping Hand

    Rotary has many projects requiring skills of all kinds, both International and in our region. Members willing to tackle needs that impact lives are urgently needed.

  • Financial Support

    Good Works Grants are one way Twilight helps relieve the financial burdens suffered by local residents and help support area institutions. Help us reduce financial needs faced every day in our area and around the world.

  • Youth Education

    Vocational services and youth education programs give the next generation of young professionals the skills to lead us into combating the needs we’ll face in the coming years.

  • Worker Bees

  • Worker Bee Projects

    We’re blessed to live in a beautiful area with a moderate climate and the world’s largest reserves or fresh water. We promote and sponsor numerous projects to help protect our natural resources, including Worker Bee projects that maintain our regions natural beauty so everyone can enjoy it. Following through with our role as stewards and environmental champions our Worker Bees carry out initiatives to clean and maintained trails and public spaces so residents can safely enjoy our outdoors in Northern Michigan.

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